This paper is from Session 5A: Evidence-based policy making
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which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education in the disciplines and the workplace

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

International statistical standards as enabler for evidence-based policy making: the case of tourism statistics



The scale of tourism world-wide and the growing complexity of tourism-related data call for improved knowledge about the phenomenon. The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) is recognized as the appropriate organisation to collect, to analyze, to publish, to standardise and to improve the statistics of tourism. UNWTO facilitates an environment in which tourism statistics and analysis can take place with particular emphasis on the need for international comparability in tourism statistics. The paper describes UNWTO’s framework directed at developing tourism statistics and underlying training and capacity building methods. The capacity building initiative aims at producers but also users of tourism statistics and introduces them to the international recommendations on tourism statistics and how to implement these standards.