This paper is from Session 4D: Exchanging pedagogy between post-secondary and secondary school statistics courses
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post-secondary level

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Statistics for all students



How can statistics instructors — at the high school and college level — make the development of statistical thinking and 21st century skills accessible to all students? Alongside the rise of Big Data, the ability to reason statistically will appreciate; all students need a strong introductory statistics course to prepare them for the statistical demands they will encounter in higher education, work, and engaged citizenship. The traditional high school coursework neglects statistics for all but advanced students. With the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, there is an opportunity to infuse statistical thinking into each grade level for all K-8 students, followed by a choice of statistics courses (Advanced Placement or non-AP) in high school. To take advantage of this opportunity, all math teachers must be adequately trained in statistics. Furthermore, secondary and post-secondary educators must work together meet the demands that will be placed on all of our students.