This paper is from Session 4D: Exchanging pedagogy between post-secondary and secondary school statistics courses
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post-secondary level

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Exchanging statistics pedagogy between the master teacher and the future teacher


  • Deborah Nolan (University of California at Berkeley, United States)


Cal Teach is a science and math teacher preparation program modeled after UTeach at the University of Texas, Austin. Math for America (MfA), Berkeley, which is part of the national MfA effort, is a 5-year master teacher fellowship program for experienced math and science teachers. Both programs aim to prepare K-12 teachers to excel by strengthening their pedagogical content knowledge and their science content knowledge. We describe the role that statistics education plays in these two synergistic programs and make recommendations how aspects of these efforts might be more broadly adopted.