This paper is from Session 3D: Statistics instructors’ use of technology for teaching statistics
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which comes under Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

The use of technology in a mentor teacher course in statistics education




In 2012 the two authors of this article planed and implemented a 4-month mentor teacher course. The content of this course concentrated on descriptive statistics and data analysis for 5th to 10th graders in Germany. One central topic of the course was the use of technology like Fathom as a tool for learning and doing statistics: How to use Fathom for the analysis of real data, what are usable tasks for the classroom, how to use Fathom for visualizing properties of mean and median, and how to use online-tools like GoogleDocs for collecting data? In our article we will focus on the technological knowledge for common and pedagogical content aspects: What were the concrete topics, we communicate? Which educational settings did we use? What were the feedback we got from the participants by questionnaires and interviews?