This paper is from Session 3D: Statistics instructors’ use of technology for teaching statistics
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which comes under Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Reflections on using technology to teach statistics in Kenya



Over the last ten years or more there have been numerous successful integrations of technology in statistics teaching in Kenya. Between them they show overwhelming evidence that technology can significantly improve student learning, but none have really impacted the “status quo”. This paper examines some past initiatives to identify commonalities that have contributed to their successes while also investigating why they have not been widely adopted. Many of the challenges will sound familiar to educators all over the world, for example the lack of academic recognition for good teaching, heavy workloads and institutional resistance to change. Questions are posed relating to how resources, support structures, and incentives or reward schemes might create an educational environment within which good initiatives can “go viral”.