This paper is from Session 3B: Statistics instructors’ knowledge of students’ development of fundamental statistics concepts
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

The impact of a teachers’ attention deriving on students’ statistical discourse


  • Min-Sun Park (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)


  • Kyeong-Hwa Lee (Seoul National UniversityTokyo Healthcare University, Republic of Korea)


Improving students’ learning has been emphasized as a major purpose of formative assessment. In formative assessment, teachers need to gather information from students and provide feedback. Several methods for facilitating students’ learning through formative assessment have been raised in statistics education. However, published research on how teachers understand students’ responses and provide feedback during the statistics teaching and learning process is not sufficient. In statistical reasoning, since it is important to consider which aspects students focus upon in a given data set, teachers should guide students’ focus through feedback or questions. Watson (2007) emphasized “attention” as a way of facilitating students’ mathematical development by teachers’ actions. This study aims to suggest a way of implementing formative assessment which is applicable in statistics education through the concept of attention. We present the impact of a teacher’s attention deriving on the statistical discourse and reasoning of 11th grade students.