This paper is from Session 3B: Statistics instructors’ knowledge of students’ development of fundamental statistics concepts
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which comes under Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Teachers’ knowledge of students’ conceptions and their development when learning linear regression



This paper synthesizes the results of three research studies centered around the teaching and learning of linear regression. In addition to regression's practical importance, in many cases linear regression is students’ first experience with the fundamental concepts of statistical association and dependence. Two of the studies researched how students progress in their learning of linear regression, from the initial conceptions of eighth grade students to the understanding expected of twelfth grade students. The third study examined the work of teaching grade nine students informal line of best fit, their first introduction to linear regression, to generate a description of the pedagogical content knowledge needed by teachers to effectively guide students towards understanding of the topic.