This paper is from Session 2D: Statistical education at the Secondary/Higher Education interface
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which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at school level

(Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)

Bridging the statistical gap: creating successful secondary/higher education partnerships



Many school mathematics curricula now include sophisticated statistical content, like randomization-based inference methods and experimental design. Secondary mathematics educators often lack the formal training, and hence the confidence, to help students develop sound statistical reasoning. By networking with college and university statistics educators, secondary school teachers can deepen their statistical understanding and improve their instructional practice. Students benefit directly from these professional partnerships, especially when they participate in statistics-related events sponsored by local colleges and universities. This paper describes several successful statistical partnerships started in the United States that have enhanced student learning and eased students’ transition from secondary school to higher education. Opportunities and challenges for launching similar initiatives in other countries are discussed.