This paper is from Session 1F: The importance of attitudes in statistics education: sustaining learning processes and outcomes
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which comes under Topic 1: Sustaining strengths and building capacity in statistics education

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Comparing attitudes toward statistics among students enrolled in project-based and hybrid statistics courses




Considerable research has been devoted to how students learn statistics, such as through data analysis projects, simulations, online learning courses, and traditional lecture. This study analyzes the differences in attitudes towards statistics among introductory statistics students experiencing two different learning environments: a project based statistics course versus a mix of traditional and online learning course (hybrid course). The Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS-36) is used to compare the attitudes of college students from a small liberal arts college enrolled in an introductory statistics course during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters. This study suggests that an examination of these environments is needed to better understand students’ attitudes.