This paper is from Session 1C: Statistics education outreach across the globe
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 1: Sustaining strengths and building capacity in statistics education

(Monday 14th, 16:15-17:45)

Japanese Inter-university Network for Statistical Education and new trials for development of students’ data analysis skills




In knowledge-based society, it is shared understanding throughout the world that “Statistical Thinking” and “Competency of Statistical Analysis” is a substantial skill for detecting and solving new issues. “Japanese Inter-university Network for Statistical Education (JINSE)” has been newly organized in 2012. The first aim of JINSE is to develop Standard Curriculum and Teaching methodology for fostering human resources capable of coping with new issues, and eventually, to establish Quality Assurance system for statistical education by introducing Evaluation Committee consisting of members from academic statistical societies and other educational/economic organizations. In this talk, we introduce activities of this project and new trials for developing students’ data analysis skills in Rikkyo University. One of our trials is to introduce action learning methods and combine leadership developing program.