This paper is from Session 1C: Statistics education outreach across the globe
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which comes under Topic 1: Sustaining strengths and building capacity in statistics education

(Monday 14th, 16:15-17:45)

OZCOTS: Bringing statistical educators and statisticians together



The first Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, OZCOTS, was run in 1998 and involved papers given by the Australians at ICOTS5. Its success in bringing together Australians involved in teaching statistics resulted in regular OZCOTS gatherings from 1999 to 2002. In 2006 Helen MacGillivray was awarded one of the first Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Senior Fellowships, and as part of her programme, OZCOTS was revived, this time running as a two-day satellite to the 2008 Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) and involved a wider audience. OZCOTS 2008 was modelled on the IASE’s satellite conferences to ISI Conferences. Further OZCOTS meetings were held during the 2010 and 2012 ASC’s. In 2012 the publisher Springer requested to publish a volume based on OZCOTS meetings, this will be available in late 2014. This talk will discuss some of the experiences of these OZCOTS events.