This paper is from Session 10E: Research projects collaborations
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which comes under Topic 10: Innovative collaboration in statistics education

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Open lessons impact statistics teaching teachers’ beliefs


  • Raimundo Olfos (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile)



Teachers’ beliefs regulate teaching practices in the classroom and influence the interpretation that teacher makes teaching and learning and influences in what to say and do in class. Furthermore, beliefs are changed from reflection on practice, practice and collaboratively, constituting open classes a powerful tool to trigger change process on teacher beliefs. We investigate the over time impact of open classes on teachers’ beliefs in the context of a Lesson Study. Lessons were prepared, observed and discussed by researchers and classroom teachers with experience in Lesson Study providing content and ecological validity to the classes. 28 observer teachers answered a Likert scale referred to teaching of statistics beliefs before and after observing open classes. Student’s t-test showed impact of first year open lesson and it remained during the second one.