This paper is from Session 10C: Collaboration among countries
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 10: Innovative collaboration in statistics education

(Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)

Building strength from compromise: a case study of five year collaboration between the Statistical Services Centre of the University of Reading, UK, and Maseno University, Kenya




Statistics teaching and practice at Maseno University has benefited immensely from its collaboration with the Statistical Services Centre (SSC) at the University of Reading. The SSC, a self-sustaining entity providing statistical consultancy to a wide range of clients in Africa, has also found a trusted pair of hands to help with its work in the developing world. The success of this collaboration is due to the long-standing working relationship between staff at these two institutions which this paper describes from both points’ of view. This collaboration is not without challenges and this paper also discusses the compromises made by both parties to make this collaboration work.