Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 5: Statistics education in the disciplines and the workplace

(Wednesday 16th, 10:55-12:25)

Evidence-based management


Session chair: Kazunori Yamaguchi


Evidence-based management is the basis of informed decision-making processes in every organization. It provides a systematic approach to measuring organisational performance.

Measurement of organizational performance relates to the impact of products and/or services produced by an organization on the environment in which the organization operates. The environment provides the organization with essential inputs that allow its functioning, and absorbs its outputs. The extent to which an organization’s inputs, processes, and outputs are in harmony with the environment determines its sustainability. For a long-term sustainability, an organization needs to achieve two simultaneous outcomes: satisfied stakeholders (owners, employees, customers, and community) on one hand, and their own economic health on the other hand.

Organizational performance can be measured at three levels: strategic, tactical, and operational. In the framework of this session, we will have a detailed look at each of these and discuss how formal and informal statistics education can help improve all steps in the measurement process.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
5B2The prevalence of statistics and data mining in management journalsShirley Coleman (United Kingdom)
Jiyu Anthony (United Kingdom)
Alex Douglas (United Kingdom)
5B3Bringing the workplace into a National Certificate in Official StatisticsSharleen Forbes (New Zealand)
Alan Keegan (New Zealand)
5B4How do school principals understand and use the statistics in reports from national large-scale assessments?Iddo Gal (Israel)
Hani Shilton (Israel)