Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

(Wednesday 16th, 10:55-12:25)

Statistics instructors’ content knowledge



Instructors’ knowledge can positively affect student achievement, and visions of graduating statistically savvy students can only be realized if students are taught by instructors with robust statistical understandings. The field of statistics education has made considerable advances in identifying the knowledge of statistics needed for teaching statistics, and content knowledge occupies a prominent position in discussions on this topic, whether the instruction is at the school or tertiary level. This session will focus on innovative investigations of instructors’ content knowledge and approaches to developing instructors’ content knowledge to further move the field forward. Session time will be devoted to discussing and tying together themes that emerge from papers presented in the session and to discussing the implications of the work for improving the level of education of statistics instructors.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
3A1Developing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of samplingMaria Meletiou-Mavrotheris (Cyprus)
Irene Kleanthous (Cyprus)
Efi Paparistodemou (Cyprus)
3A2Analysis of teachers’ understanding of variation in the dot-boxplot contextCláudia Borim da Silva (Brazil)
Irene Cazorla (Brazil)
Verônica Yumi Kataoka (Brazil)
3A3Beyond calculations: fostering conceptual understanding in statistics graduate teaching assistantsJennifer L Green (United States)
Erin E Blankenship (United States)