Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at school level

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Linking research and practice in teaching and learning statistics at the school level



In the past few decades, theories of learning, innovative technologies and new research have greatly extended our understanding of teaching and learning of statistics at the school level. A gap remains, however, between the findings reported in research of these new ways of teaching and learning statistics and what takes place in mainstream classrooms and teacher education. This session focuses on research aimed directly at this gap by embracing the messy contexts of classrooms, collaborating with teachers and prospective teachers as they learn statistics and/or improve their teaching of statistics, or engaging teachers as co- researchers. The studies reported in this session worked with classrooms or teachers for months or even years as they sought to understand authentic contexts and creating change towards more innovative practices.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
2G1Developing statistics teachers’ identity: a look at communities of practiceDifariney González (Colombia)
Lucía Zapata-Cardona (Colombia)
2G2Communities of practice: a theoretical framework to design for teachers’ statistical learningAna Luisa Gómez-Blancarte (Mexico)
Isaias Miranda Viramontes (Mexico)
2G3From observing and evaluating variation to measuring and comparing variationErna Lampen (South Africa)
2G4Teachers as key stakeholders in research in statistics educationMichael Shaughnessy (United States)