
Group C8A (Tuesday 15th, 15:45-17:15)  Chair: Dirk Tempelaar
C111  Measuring the basics of probabilistic reasoning: the IRT-based construction of the probabilistic reasoning questionnaireCaterina Primi (Italy)Kinga Morsanyi
Francesca Chiesi
C142  Students’ conceptions of average and standard deviationVéronique Dubreil-Frémont (France)Christelle Chevallier-Gaté
Noëlle Zendrera
C232  Metonymy as a lens into student understanding of sampling distributionsStacey Hancock (United States)Jennifer Noll
C251  Vergnaud's theory applied to basic school students’ statistical representationsSoledad Estrella (Chile)Arturo Mena

All contributed papers