Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 13:45-15:15)   In session C13C

Teaching critical thinking through the introductory statistics class


Mark Ferris, Sherri Cheng, Frank Wang, Jessica Perolio


Mark Ferris (United States)


One of the main expectations that society has from a college education is that the student will graduate knowing how to “think”, and not just “think,” but think critically. Yet research reported in the book “Academically Adrift” (2011) by authors Richard Arm and Josipa Roksa, show strong evidence that critical thinking skills of undergraduate college students evidence a discouraging lack of improvement in these very same skills, over the entire college experience. In fact, there is strong evidence that a substantial number of students are leaving college without any appreciable gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing skills. The authors explore using the introductory statistics class as a vehicle to address these shortcomings.