Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2A

Enhancing statistical literacy and thinking through analysis of scientific journal articles


Mahtash Esfandiari, Kekona Sorenson, Dave Zes, Kevin Nichols


Mahtash Esfandiari (United States)


One of our major goals in teaching “applied statistics” is to train the “novice” to think and act like a statistical “expert”. We have shown that: 1) Teaching from scientific articles plays an invaluable role in demonstrating how “experts” use statistical methods to solve “real world” problems, and communicate scientific findings. 2) Having students analyze scientific articles in groups, along with virtual or actual office hours with the instructor, and writing the results of their critiques trains them to “think” and “act” like a statistical expert. We have developed an online “article bank” with articles from multiple disciplines. For each article, we have designed multiple-choice and open-ended questions and answers for testing knowledge of statistical methods plus issues related to design, sampling, results, and conclusions.