Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 15:45-17:15)   In session C14B

A suggested theoretical basis for teacher learning in statistics


Fayez Mourad Mina (Egypt)


The suggested theoretical basis for teacher learning in statistics has many dimensions. Some of the most important of them are paradigm shifts in science, mathematics, education, mathematics education and curricula. All these paradigm shifts have been described and their implications on teacher learning in statistics have been identified. Some of these implications are: Rejecting linear statistical models, applying statistics in real life situations and employing advanced technology both in teaching and learning. The suggested strategy for learning is “professionalization” which is basically means that teacher education should be conducted in an atmosphere comparable to what ought to be at school in its ideal form and analyzing reality of schools with the intension to develop it. The paper was concluded with exploring the futuristic nature of its findings.