Contributed paper list

   (Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C16A

Against All Odds: Inside Statistics


Marsha Davis (United States)


Given the importance of statistics and statistical reasoning in an increasingly complex and information rich-world, ways must be found to engage students with real-world contexts and activities that support learning the basic elements of statistical thinking and the important concepts that underlie statistical reasoning, particularly concepts that students find difficult. Online resources from the newly released Against All Odds (AAO): Inside Statistics (funded by Annenberg and the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP)) are designed to do just that. The videos, activities, interactive applets, exercises, and written support in AAO provide a rich learning environment that makes statistics come alive and promotes deeper understanding. This presentation will focus on a video and an applet and related class activities. Results from class testing will be shared.