Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 13:45-15:15)   In session C13C

A view of statistics education research in Brazilian extreme south coast


Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva, Suzi Samá Pinto, Daiane Lemos de Sá, Lidiane Santos de Freitas


Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva (Brazil)


This paper presents the research performed by the Group of Statistic Education Research from the Federal University in Brazilian South extreme coast. Following Piaget's Genetic Epistemology and Biology of Cognition by Maturana, we still believe in the potential of digital technologies as an alternative to provoke the emotion and contribute to the brain's retention and recall of information. The group produce interactive learning objects and multimedia activities, to promote Statistical Literacy. These objects are designed to offer the opportunity to work with various statistical methods in classroom. The group develop a project called Multimedia Statistical Literacy (LeME), aiming to literate statistically, including virtually 300 citizens annually in social vulnerability. These University projects are promoting the development of statistical literacy in the region. Now the group is innovating, using the potential of quantitative research methods such as Item Response Theory and Principal Component Analysis to research learning and Statistical Literacy.