Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2B

Graduate students’ learning experience


Josefina Almeda (Philippines)


There is great demand from private and government institutions for statisticians and many individuals are interested in post graduate education to enhance their career prospects. However, in recent years, only a slight improvement in graduation rate from the graduate programs in the School of Statistics has been seen. This study evaluates post graduate students’ learning experiences in their masters’ degree programs to assist the administrators and teachers in taking proactive steps to address students’ concerns and to further enhance support for their post graduate students. A phenomenological case study was undertaken considering the different perspectives of post graduate students on their learning experiences in the School. The emergent themes were eagerness to learn; career advancement; time management; coping with obstacles; faculty competency; faculty advising; learning environment; and peer influence. Data triangulation was utilized by interviewing other stakeholders to gain insights into their perspectives on the graduate program and the experiences of their students.