Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 15:45-17:15)   In session C14B

Using the SETS instruments to investigate sources of variation in levels of pre-service teacher efficacy to teach statistics


Leigh Harrell-Williams, M. Alejandra Sorto, Rebecca Pierce, Teri Jo Murphy, Larry Lesser


Leigh Harrell-Williams (United States)


The authors developed the middle grade and high school Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instruments based on statistical concepts in United States national and state guidelines for student and teacher knowledge, such as the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Pre-K-12 Report and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). The items on both SETS instruments ask teachers to rate their self-efficacy to teach a particular concept using a Likert scale from 1 (“not confident at all”) to 6 (“completely confident”). To investigate the sources of variation in levels of self-efficacy, the authors designed open-ended questions asking participants to describe why they feel less/more confident about certain statistical concepts. This paper discusses results from multiple U.S. public institutions of higher education.