Contributed paper list

   (Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C16A

The application of blended learning to large groups


Ivona E. Contardo-Berning (South Africa)


Information and communication technologies have the potential to transform education in developing countries from the traditional methodologies to a more modern and flexible learning environment. The application of information and communication technologies can play a significant role in improving the learning experience of students. In our introductory statistics courses we encounter large, diverse, heterogeneous groups of students from various disciplines and backgrounds which create some specific challenges. We would like to challenge and stimulate strong students while providing students with a weaker background with additional learning opportunities and materials. Blended learning offers us a unique opportunity to create a blend of face-to-face and technology enhanced learning opportunities to cater for these diverse groups of students. We present results from a pilot study using blended learning for a large first year service course in statistics at a South African university.