Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2D

Real-time educational interpreting in statistics


Thomas L. Berning (South Africa)


The issue of language in education has been a contentious issue in most developing countries. This is due to the critical role that language and communication play in the learning process. In order to offer second language learners the opportunity to learn in their language of choice, a project has been launched to promote multilingualism at a South African university. The institution offers real-time educational interpreting (in the form of simultaneous whisper interpreting between Afrikaans and English) to statistics students in various undergraduate years of study. This offers an additional advantage that lecturers are also able to communicate in their home language. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate educational interpretation from the student and the lecturer’s perspectives as well as provide a brief overview of the technology employed.