Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2B

Education statistics for professional specialization: use of knowledge at the workplace of postgraduate in statistics


José Paúl Carrasco Escobar (Mexico)


The need to analyze the results of training and development programs in Statistics—by government agencies—around the world has led to a research in the following field “Training in Official Statistics”. This research pretends to show the professional development relationship at the workplace of agencies’ employees which are specialized with graduate level education (Techniques and Methodologies) for the generation, analysis and dissemination of official statistics. This research intends to show evidence of the relationship between their academic background and their work activities (statistical knowledge perspective) as well as its application in the workplace. It proposes a series of activities that demonstrate the continuity of the study, along with some observed discussions that must be carried out during the research process. All of this supported by means of a statistically educational framework at a workplace scenario.