Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C12C

Istat’s new tools in teaching statistics to digital natives


Barbara Ascari, Marina Peci


Barbara Ascari (Italy)


Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics) has been actively engaging in strongly disseminating statistical literacy towards civil society and, to this aim, established in 2011 the Advanced School for Statistics and Socio-economic Analyses. According to this mission, one of the main targets is represented by the world of education, students and teachers. The use of the Web is vital in order to catch the attention of digital natives and to attract them to statistics. Istat’s current strategy is to find out innovative didactic solutions for the different school levels, through learning and collaborative environments and emerging technologies in teaching statistics. According to this idea, Istat has created an interactive virtual laboratory – ScuoladistatisticaLab (SchoolofStatisticsLab) for the secondary school. For the lower school levels, Istat has realized other didactic tools developed in collaboration with Italian institutions and Istat’s regional offices.