Contributed paper list

   (Wednesday 16th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C10A

Sustaining student engagement in a college statistics course through a reflective teaching model using youth statistics


Liza Lorena Jala, Enriqueta Reston


Liza Lorena Jala (Philippines)


This paper described how micro data on youth statistics generated by official statistical agencies in the Philippines and from various international surveys are used in teaching college students to sustain their engagement in learning statistics through contextualized data-based activities. Through a reflective teaching model, statistical concepts and methods are introduced using a creative integration of multiple data sets on youth statistics from various interdisciplinary perspectives of the social sciences. Teaching-learning activities are modular, which incorporate features of constructivist teaching and learning using inductive and active learning approaches. Student motivation and ownership of learning is also sustained as students make sense of youth statistics which reflect their own sector of the population. Portfolio assessment is used to provide students the opportunity to reflect on their learning with data and for the teacher to assess their understanding of statistical concepts and development of statistical literacy skills.