Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2A

Statistical consultation as part of statistics education


Lizelle Fletcher (South Africa)


The Department of Statistics at the University of Pretoria offers an internal consultation service to faculty and postgraduate students with the aim to support the research function of the University. This service offers unique training opportunities to our own students and from 2015 we are planning to incorporate training a statistical consultant as an integrated part of the course content of a capstone module. The goal is to develop students’ statistical thinking and intuition, and to equip them with experience in the practice of statistics. Students will be expected to actively participate in the internal consultation service as a form of internship under supervision. Furthermore, they will have to familiarize themselves with the literature on statistical consulting and demonstrate their understanding by presenting a case study based on their experience in the consultation service. This paper will discuss the development of this initiative.