Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 16:15-17:45)   In session C4C

Introductory statistics instructors’ practices and beliefs regarding technology and pedagogy


Elizabeth Brondos Fry (United States)


The development of technology tools has created many possibilities for the introductory statistics classroom, but student learning outcomes may be influenced by how instructors use technology in their teaching. The Statistics Teaching Inventory (STI) was developed to assess introductory statistics instructors’ practices and beliefs as part of an NSF-funded project (e-ATLAS, DUE 1044812 & 1043141), to evaluate the effect of reform efforts in statistics education. The STI was administered to a national sample of teachers of introductory statistics courses across various disciplines in U.S. colleges and universities. Results from a preliminary sample of 96 instructors will be presented, and the relationship between technology use and pedagogical practices will be explored.