Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2D

Graduate teaching assistants’ beliefs, practices, and preparation for teaching introductory statistics


Nicola Parker, Elizabeth Fry, Joan Garfield, Andrew Zieffler


Nicola Parker (United States)


Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are responsible for the instruction of approximately 15% of introductory courses in U.S. statistics departments (Blair, Kirkman & Maxwell, 2013). Little is known about graduate teaching assistants’ beliefs and practices regarding the teaching of introductory statistics. As part of an NSF-funded project (eATLAS, DUE 1044812 & 1043141), an online survey was developed to explore the beliefs and practices of statistics GTAs, including course content priorities, teaching methods, use of technology and assessment strategies. The data collected from the survey were based on responses from 213 GTAs across over 35 Ph.D. granting institutions in the United States. The results can inform future programs for GTA development.