Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 15:45-17:15)   In session C14C

Probability and statistics in access exams to Spanish universities


P. Díaz, V. Mier, P. Alonso, Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz


Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz (Spain)


Exams to get access to Spanish universities are performed region-wide every year. These exams are based on the curriculum established for the Spanish Baccalaureate. We perform a crossed analysis between curricular guidelines and items appearing in the exams, in four Spanish regions, so as to detect prevalent units, similarities and differences. Thus, we check what competencies and curricular units appear in the official curriculum related to Statistics and Probability, and how they are assessed in the exams. We show how these exams influence teaching methodologies; over-representing mechanical exercises instead of interpretive questions, especially applications of Statistics and Probability in students’ everyday life. This fact considerably lessens the importance of a teaching/learning methodology based on competencies.