Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C2A

Teaching undergraduates through statistical consulting


Hyun-Joo Kim, K Scott Alberts, Scott Thatcher


Hyun-Joo Kim (United States)


Statistical consulting is a challenging and rewarding part of statistics. A consultant uses the art and science of statistics to solve practical problems. However, most consultants at universities and in industry have graduate degrees in statistics or are working on graduate degrees leaving undergraduates little opportunity to engage in this rewarding part of statistics. CASE (Center for Applied Statistics and Evaluation) is an undergraduate driven statistical consulting center. Students working with clients ranging from grant recipients to community organizations experience transformative, active, and civic engagement learning, as well as an experience similar to undergraduate research and internships. CASE can help students build a strong technical background in statistics, but more importantly provides the opportunity to build communication skills, common sense and a good business sense with faculty and peer mentoring.