Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C6D

Stat321, an on-line statistics textbook based on intuitive inferential reasoning


Nicolas Greliche (France)


Research in human cognition has shown that people possess intuitive notions of statistics, but may fail to generate correct judgments in a number of situations. These characteristics of the human mind can be used to introduce statistical concepts and warn against misconceptions by showing parallels and divergences between proper statistical thinking and intuition. To date, this approach has been little investigated resulting in a lack of resources for the interested teacher. Here, I present Stat321, a project of an atypical online statistics textbook which uses the naive statistical thinking of the reader to explain the what, why and how of Statistics. Stat321 is designed to evolve with comments, ideas and the advances in statistics education research. Initial feedback from undergraduate students is discussed.