Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C12A

Rethinking the intersection of statistics education and social justice


Lisa Poling, Nirmala Naresh


Lisa Poling (United States)


Critical consumers of data are able to think and reason about statistics and use statistical tools to better explore and understand issues that are significant to their immediate community, the larger society, and the broader world. Promoting statistical knowledge by understanding and investigating social issues that create disparities provides an entry point for an individual to take the first step in making positive change and engaging in equitable practices (Gutstein, 2006a). Drawing from the research domains of statistics and social justice we designed a statistics learning module for prospective teachers to help them emerge as critical and caring consumers of data. The amalgamation of statistics and social justice issues created a sustainable learning environment where data were interpreted and analyzed in a meaningful way.