Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 15:45-17:15)   In session C14C

Exam question evaluation with Item Response Theory


Elisabeth Korendijk, Evert Jan Bakker


Elisabeth Korendijk (The Netherlands)


We describe our first results with the analysis of the answers to 21 exams of the same Statistics course using Item Response Theory. We used a model with one-parameter (difficulty) and a model with two parameters (difficulty and discriminatory power). The second one appeared to be significantly better in 20 out of 21 exams. Using the outcomes of the analysis with the two-parameter model, we discuss some of the elements that can be analyzed with this model: the discriminatory power of individual questions, the information value of an exam, and we draw some conclusions about the type of exam questions used in this course of which the students’ correct-wrong answering pattern aroused suspicion about how good the question was.