Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)   In session C7B

Teaching statistics in a crisis zone


Irene David, Hilary Seddon, Jenny Harlow, Jennifer Brown


Irene David (New Zealand)


In February 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand, was hit by a large earthquake. Within weeks of this event we were challenged to provide learning and teaching in large tents or using on-line and flexible formats. With audio-visual facilities limited to whiteboards and microphones, moving to an on-line environment was a better choice for the introductory statistics course. For two years we have used the lessons we learned to implement a blended learning environment with opportunities for students with different learning styles to achieve success. The on-line environment allows for monitoring engagement and for timely interventions to increase the level of student achievement. On-going improvements provide novel learning opportunities as technology upgrades offer new possibilities. In our presentation we discuss the changes we have made to the introductory statistics course, using feedback from the students to monitor the effectiveness of the learning experience.