Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C6A

Restructuring of disciplines in statistics based on students’ evaluation in online education programs


Suzi Samá Pinto, Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva


Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva (Brazil)


This paper aims to investigate the contribution of a student evaluation of Statistics courses in the restructuring of an online degree. With the students’ evaluation as a base, it was possible to make adaptations and changes to the organization and pedagogy of the courses. Discursive textual analysis was utilized to analyze the students’ evaluations. Some modifications to the virtual platform were implemented to accommodate the symbolic and language characteristics of statistics classes.. These changes improved the virtual interaction between professors, students, and tutors. The discussions on virtual forums allowed the students to rethink their ideas, because of the contributions of peers, tutors, and professors. These reflections obtained through the virtual dialogues helped to build students’ statistical knowledge.