Contributed paper list

   (Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)   In session C7B

Perceptions of undergraduate and executive students about the use of an exercise-based statistics website


André Samartini (Brazil)


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the perceptions of undergraduate and executive students of a business course regarding the experience with an exercise-based statistics website. This particular website has multiple-choice questions designed for students who are taking basic statistics courses. By providing other types of resources (videos, textbooks, lists of exercises, lecture notes) to the students, it was possible to verify, at the end of the course, preference, efficacy and use of the site compared to all available resources. Results of a survey with the students show that offline resources were slightly preferable than online resources but, whether online or printed, most of the students considered exercises more helpful than any other resource type. Regarding the experience with the site, students agreed that the site collaborated to their learning and most of them were more motivated to learn statistics.