Contributed paper list

   (Thursday 17th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C12C

Games as a locus of self-empowered collaborative learning


Shonda Kuiper, Rod Sturdivant


Shonda Kuiper (United States)


This paper presents web-based games and corresponding investigative laboratory modules (labs) to effectively teach statistical thinking and the process of scientific research. We demonstrate game-based labs that follow the GAISE guidelines and bridge the gap between short, focused homework problems and the open-ended nature of a research project. Each game-based lab presents a research question in the context of a case study and encourages students to follow a complete process of statistical analysis. These materials consist of one- or two-day activities designed for introductory college courses as well as more complex projects geared toward upper level undergraduate courses. These game-based labs encourage students early in their studies to experience the role of a research scientist and to understand how the field of statistics helps advance scientific knowledge.