Contributed paper list

   (Monday 14th, 16:15-17:45)   In session C4C

How to organize effective and efficient group work in tutorials using indicator strips


Toni C. Stocker (Germany)


Many lectures in Statistics are accompanied by weekly tutorials for which exercises are to be solved and possibly submitted. One way to get students actively involved in tutorials is to organize them into small groups of about 3 or 4 students, in which they are to compare and discuss their individual solutions. I describe a simple but efficient method for how such groups can rationally be formed at the beginning of each tutorial and individually be supported by the tutor. This concept is based mainly upon the idea of homogenization. It turns out that this way the learning outcomes are much more sustainable than in traditional “lecture style tutorials” provided that some important frame conditions are met. Longtime experiences in large class Statistics courses with small class tutorials directed by teaching assistants are very positive.