10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
This paper is from Session 9M: Statistics Education with MOOC
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology and multimedia in statistics education

Paper 9M3 (Monday 9th, 16:00-17:30)

A report on the online learning system on statistics, provided for the students in Tokyo University of Information Sciences


  • Yumi Yahagi (Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Japan)


In Tokyo University of Information Sciences, some of the students, who have wills to be teachers of mathematics in junior high schools or high schools, make use of an online learning system, named “Study sapuri” given by Recruit Holdings Co.,Ltd. to study mathematics. In this paper, we focus on the statistics, in particular “analysis of data”, and we investigate the efficiency of the system “Study sapuri”. We use the data and opinions collected from the trainee, the students. Furthermore, we consider a blended learning method in University class.

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