10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Thursday 12th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

9:15-9:30Housekeeping and Introduction
9:30-10:30Keynote Session
Keynote Chris Wild*Through a glass darklyTerrsa Hall
Chair: Prof. Jung Jin Lee
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1B
Statistical education software: Looking back and looking forward
Session organizer: Amelia McNamara
Chair: Chris Wild
Terrsa Hall
Rolf Biehler*Design principles, realizations and uses of software supporting the learning and the doing of statistics – A reflection on developments since the late 1990s
Amelia McNamara*Imagining the future of statistical education software
Hadley Wickham*Should all statistics students be programmers?
Session 5C
Statistical Education and Training for Public Policies
Session organizer and Chair: Shigeru Kawasaki
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Yoshiyuki Kobayashi*Statistical Training in Support of Evidence Based Policy Making
Kumar Ashish*Changing system of Statistics Education for Official Statistics
Seiji Takata*Education of Data Science in Japan: Shiga University Model
Session 7F
Challenges for statistics in the past and in the future
Session organizer and Chair: Andreas Eichler
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Karen François*Big Data literacy
Giovanni A Barbieri*Statistics, Reality, Truth
Joachim Engel*Teaching and learning about tree-based methods for exploratory data analysis
Session 2J
Active-learning approach for statistics in school education
Session organizer and Chair: Takashi Kawakami
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Kimie Kazama*Using Box-and-Whisker Plot in Problem Solving Learning
Hisao Oikawa*On Statistical Education in Secondary Mathematics Education in Japan
Yusuke Nagumo*Practice of the Improvement in Statistical Problem-Solving Faculty through the Analysis of Regional Data
Session 1F
Statistics as a Liberal Art and the Real World
Session organizer and Chair: Rhys Jones
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Katie Makar*Rethinking the statistics curriculum: Holistic, purposeful and layered
K. Scott Alberts*Statistics IS a liberal arts major
Hanan Innabi*Teaching Statistics for Sustainability
Session 9G
Design matters: How resources and experiences impact learning in online courses
Session organizer and Chair: Hollylynne Lee
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Oded Meyer*The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) Online Statistics Course: How Statistics Education Helped Define Promising Directions for the Use of Technology-Enabled Instruction in Higher Education
Elinor Jones*Impact of online resources in teaching Statistics to undergraduates
Hollylynne Lee*Designing for educators in a Teaching Statistics MOOC: Design principles and use of multimedia to support participant engagement
Session 6F
Novel Approaches to Teaching Probability
Session organizer and Chair: Helen Chick
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Ippo Ishibashi*Effectiveness of Use of Diagrams for Teaching Conditional Probability from A Semiotics Viewpoint
Sweet Rose Leonares*On the use of key words and visual representations in solving probability problems
Amy Wagaman*Integrating Computational Learning in Probability
Session C9A
Contributed papers
Chair: Michael Posner
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Nuha Gunawan*Introductory Statistics with Deferred Uni Variate for Long Term Academic Degree Program
Matthew Beckman*Cognitive transfer assessment in post-secondary statistics
Jay Mandrekar*Preparing students for a career in Statistics
Bobby Roaring*Event History Analysis of Attrition and Degree Completion in Graduate Studies
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 6Advisory Board for SERJLevel 3 West - Conference Room 3
Admin Meeting 7ISI General AssemblyTerrsa Hall
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1D
Out of the past and into the future: a global perspective
Session organizer: Robert Gould
Chair: Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
Terrsa Hall
Rhys Jones*Igniting the statistical spark in the social sciences
Luis F. Rivera-Galicia*The challenges of teaching statistics to undergraduate business and economics students In Spain
Hiroto Fukuda*The Future of Statistics Education from the Perspective of Educational Practices in New Zealand
Session 7C
Promoting statistical literacy with visualisation
Session organizer and Chair: Andreas Eichler
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Katharina Böcherer-Linder*Visualizing statistical information with unit squares
Karin Binder*T(h)ree steps to improve Bayesian reasoning
Pedro Arteaga*Vocational training students’ reading levels of statistical graphs
Session 2B
Engaging young learners in using models and modelling in data investigations (Modelling Part 2)
Session organizer and Chair: Katie Makar
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Jill Fielding-Wells*Supporting young students emerging statistical understandings of centre through modelling
Lucía Zapata-Cardona*The modelling path for informal inferential reasoning
Sibel Kazak*Young students’ ways of constructing and evaluating statistical models
Session 1J
Statistics education for business, an undergraduate program and a graduate program (panel)
Session organizer and Chair: Tadashi Imaizumi
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Tadashi Imaizumi*Panellist
Yuki Toyoda*Panellist
Takuya Ohmori*Panellist
Hiroyuki Satoh*Panellist
Naohiro Takemura*Panellist
Session 6C
Teaching Probability in School - Understanding Probability and Linking to Statistical Inference
Session organizer and Chair: Manfred Borovcnik
Level 3 - Conf Room D
María M. Gea*Do high school students understand the sampling distribution of a proportion?
Ernesto Sánchez*Fundamental Ideas in the Probabilistic Reasoning of High-School Students in Binomial Distribution Activities
Session 9J
Use of new technology for promoting classroom engagement
Session organizer and Chair: Seiji Takata
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Andreas Eckert*Implementing research results in technology induced teaching of statistics - A literature review
Sohee Kang*Increasing Engagement in a Probability Course through Novel Technically-enhanced Communication
Philipp Burckhardt*TeachIT: Turning the Classroom into a Research Laboratory via Interactive e-Learning Tools
Session 4I
Challenges and different pedagogies for the teaching of statistics
Session organizer and Chair: Marcos Magalhães
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Marcos Magalhães*Activities to learn fundamental ideas in statistics
Eugenia Yu*Development and Implementation of In-class Activities in a Large Introductory Statistics Classroom
Niloufar Abourashchi*Use of quizzes in large statistical lectures
Session 2I
Perspectives on statistics education with a focus in secondary schools - session 2
Session organizer and Chair: Rachel Passmore
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Eleazar Silvestre Castro*Introduction of hypothesis testing through an informal inference approach in a Mexican high school
Hugo Hernández*High school, TinkerPlots, Fathom… and Independence and ANOVA. How come?
Session C10A
Contributed papers
Chair: Caterina Primi
Level 3 - Conf Room A
Peter Kovacs*Social and Economic Networks and Financial Literacy in Statistics Classes: Lessons and Experiences
Jackie Carter*Innovations in statistical training: reflections from the UK Q-Step Initiative
Leon Cygman*Teaching Learner-Centered Statistics: A Case for Blended Delivery using Google Apps
Session C10B
Contributed papers
Chair: Enriqueta Reston
Level 2 - Seminar Room 1
Fumihiko Mitsunaga*Teaching design of cross-curricular statistical education at high school in JAPAN
Gemma Mojica*Impacts of A Teaching Statistics MOOC on Educators’ Perspectives and Practice
Eun Ha Kim*Case study on expected value and standard deviation of sample mean
16:00-17:30Parallel Sessions
Session 8D
New Methods in the Age of Big Data
Session organizer: Irena Ograjenšek
Chair: Dani Ben-Zvi
Terrsa Hall
Karen McGaughey*Finding meaning in a multivariable world: A conceptual approach to an algebra-based second course in statistics
Masha Etkind*Enhancing learning outcomes with 'big data' from pedagogy for conceptual thinking with Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO) and Interactive Concept Discovery (INCOD)
Bruce Dunham*Comparison of testing and evaluation methods for new resources in statistical education
Session 4A
Statistical education: the education of teachers and children
Session organizer: Carolina Fernandes de Carvalho
Chair: Lucía Zapata
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Difariney González-Gómez*Professional development programs for statistics teachers: the role of reflection
Roberta Buehring*Brazilian research contributions to the investigation field and to the practice in statistics education in early childhood
Solange Aparecida Corrêa*Creative insubordination and the argumentative process in Statistical Education in early childhood
Session 2C
The Assessment of Statistics Education (panel)
Session organizer and Chair: Hiromi Fukasawa
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Hiroko Nakanishi*Panellist
Toshihito Sato*Panellist
Keiichi Nishimura*Panellist
Yoshiro Yamamoto*Panellist
Makoto Tomita*Panellist
Session 6D
Role of Probability ‘Games’ in Learning
Session organizer and Chair: Marcos Magalhães
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Beatriz Adriana Rodríguez González*Applying probability rules to games of chance than involve risk: a didactical strategy
Adam Molnar*Extending introductory probability through games
Helen Chick*Understanding randomness: From gimmicks to effective learning
Session 5G
Designing Collaborative and Tailored Training in Statistics and Data Science
Session organizer and Chair: Frauke Kreuter
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Shirley Coleman*Statistics education within research methods teaching
Carla Vivacqua*Integrating collaboration, communication and problem solving to promote innovation in statistics education
Frauke Kreuter*International Program in Survey and Data Science
Session 8C
Session organizer: Lucía Zapata-Cardona
Chair: Egan Chernoff
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
María Guadalupe Tobías-Lara*Using the Toulmin model of argumentation to validate students' inferential reasoning
Anelise Sabbag*Assessing statistical literacy and statistical reasoning
Elizabeth Fry*Students’ conceptual understanding of the relationship between study design and conclusions in an introductory statistics course
Session 3G
Developing understanding of statistical concepts: From undergraduate students to pre-service mathematics teachers
Session organizer: James Musyoka
Chair: Pip Arnold
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Ken Li*An analysis of patterns of classroom talk in an IT environment
Johannes Schulz*Students’ preferences when choosing data Sets with different characteristics
Susanne Podworny*Enhancing civic statistical knowledge of secondary preservice teachers for mathematics
Session 4J
Innovative projects for statistical education
Session organizer and Chair: Aklilu Zeleke
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Aklilu Zeleke*A study of students' attitudes change and performance improvement in a flip class
Leyla Batakci*A Framework and Survey for Measuring Instructors’ Motivational Attitudes Toward Statistics
Evening 19:00Gala Banquet :   Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto