10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

See another day’s programme:
Detailed programme for Friday 13th July

Note: Only presenters are shown for Invited and Contributed Papers.
The full list of authors can be seen from the Session link in the left column.

(This schedule is kept up-to-date and consequently changes may occur.)

9:15-9:30Housekeeping and Introduction
9:30-10:30Keynote Session
Keynote Helen MacGillivray*Combining 360 degree reflections for looking forwardTerrsa Hall
Chair: Prof. Yasuto Yoshizoe
11:00-12:30Parallel Sessions
Session 7A
Promoting understanding of civic statistics: Linking conceptual frameworks, datasets, visualizations, and resources
Session organizer and Chair: Iddo Gal
Terrsa Hall
Rosie Ridgway*Understanding statistics about society: A framework of knowledge and skills needed to engage with Civic Statistics
Iddo Gal*Developing Official Statistics Literacy: A proposed model and implications
Pedro Campos*Civic.Stat.Map - Mapping Datasets, Viz tools, Statistical Concepts and Social Themes
Session 10B
Activites related to interaction with schools
Session organizer and Chair: Jane Watson
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Josefina Almeda*Appetizers and Desserts in Teaching Statistics
Peter Howley*Uniting Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Education, Industry and Statistics
Ian Hay*Working with a community organisation to create open data sets from records and files
Session 2G
Probability and modelling across the schooling levels
Session organizer and Chair: Kazuhiro Aoyama
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Takashi Kawakami*How models and modelling approaches can promote young children’s statistical reasoning
Norihiro Nishinaka*Classroom design to judge by statistical probability in junior high school
Enriqueta Reston*Improving Statistical Pedagogy Among K to 12 Mathematics Teachers in the Philippines
Session 5H
Statistics Education Across Disciplines: pedagogy and assessment for statistical literacy, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice
Session organizer and Chair: Rossi Hassad
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Toshiharu Eto*Statistics education for public health nurses in the statistics seminar
Daniel Green*A short classroom-based workshop on Latent Class Analysis
Rossi Hassad*The Multiple Choice Question: Assessing Statistical Literacy and Critical Thinking in the Introductory Statistics Course at the College Level
Session 7E
Using statistical literacy in tools for the society
Session organizer: Loan Le
Chair: Katharina Böcherer-Linder
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Travis Weiland*Towards a Framework for Interrogating Data-Based Augments Perpetuated in Social Media
Timothy Kyng*Educating Older People for Retirement Housing Decisions A Case Study in Australia
Charalampos Chanialidis*The use of technology and social media in teaching Statistics
Session 3F
Statistical computing and communication
Session organizer and Chair: Manabu Iwasaki
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Hunter Glanz*Improving Statistical Communication in Statistical Computing Courses
Victoria Woodard*Defining the relationship between statistical thinking and statistical computing
Brad Quiring*Statistics as rhetoric: why a statistics education must incorporate communication skills
Session 8A
Inference in Times of Crisis, Part 1
Session organizer and Chair: Rink Hoekstra
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Franca Agnoli*Teaching Statistical Inference at the University Level: the Italian Experience
Rink Hoekstra*Improving the Interpretation of Confidence and Credible Intervals
Ian Gordon*Confidence intervals and replication - the reality
Session 9E
Software and smartphone technology developments
Session organizer: Ana Meireles
Chair: Michael Bulmer
Level 3 - Conf Room B
Yoshinori Fujii*Current situation and issue for effective use of statistical software in Japan
Beatrice Gichohi*Use of Technology to Close Statistical Knowledge Gaps – Teaching Students with Limited Background in Mathematics
Jean-Marc Meunier*An ontology-based enriched ebook for teaching statistics
12:45-13:45Meetings and Special Sessions
Admin Meeting 8IASE Executive Committee Meeting 2Level 3 West - Conference Room 3
14:00-15:30Parallel Sessions
Session 1C
Statistics Education: What, how and with whom?
Session organizer: Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
Chair: Robert Gould
Terrsa Hall
Megan Mocko*GAISEing Backward and Forward
Milo Schield*Confounding and Cornfield: Back to the Future
Jane Watson*The Practice of Statistics at School: Growing Collaboration across Sectors
Session 5A
Official Statistics for Education - Consolidated efforts of Japanese National Statistic Institutes
Session organizer and Chair: Hiroe Tsubaki
Level 3 - Conf Room C
Minako Marui*Official Statistics for Education – Variety of statistical education web contents offered by Statistics Bureau of Japan
Ryosuke Kurematsu*Official Statistics for Education - Advocating statistics education for official statistics as public goods
Motoy Uematsu*Initiatives of Statistical Research and Training Institute in Japan – for development of statistical literacy of government officials
Session 4H
Statistical reasoning and teaching and learning processes
Session organizer: Aishah Mohd Noor
Chair: Rosemary Callingham
Level 2 - Seminar Room 3
Mitsuru Matsushima*Statistically deep learning based on the investigative cycle of a sixth-grade elementary school student
Jackie Bryce Miller*Comparing the HyFlex (Hybrid-Flexible) Model of Course Delivery in an Introductory Statistics Course and a Probability and Statistics Course for Engineers and Scientists
Zeny Mateo*Using A Group Cooperative Learning Approach in Teaching Statistics
Session 9F
Using data visualization to build statistical thinking
Session organizer: Victoria Woodard
Chair: Victoria Weber
Level 2 - Seminar Room 2
Stacey Hancock*Infusing data visualization into intro stat using Tableau
John Walker*How much do model violations affect regression results: a demonstration using Shiny
Gail Burrill*Concept Images and Statistical Thinking: The Role of Interactive Dynamic Technology
Session 3D
Preparing pre-service statistics teachers across the grade levels
Session organizer and Chair: Beth Chance
Level 3 - Conf Room D
Felipe Ruz*Indicators of didactical suitability to evaluate the statistical training of future Chilean mathematics teachers
Rachel Chaphalkar*Statistical Understanding of Pre-service Elementary Teachers
Session 1E
Assessment: its lessons and effects
Session organizer and Chair: Jim Ridgway
Level 2 - Medium Conference Room
Alex Lyford*Improving student learning and instructional effectiveness through the innovative use of automated analysis of formative assessments
James Nicholson*Real-world contexts in statistics components of UK mathematics examinations: aiming forward, walking backwards
Ana Gómez-Blancarte*Research on statistical projects: looking for the development of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking
Session 6E
Concepts in teaching probability: learning obstacles and proposals for how to overcome them
Session organizer and Chair: Markus Vogel
Level 2 - AV Study Room
Manfred Borovcnik*Fundamental Concepts and their Key Properties in Probability – How to Identify them and Provide Sustaining Intuitions
Susanne Schnell*Integrating theoretical and empirical considerations - Young students' understanding of the empirical law of large numbers
Takuma Takayama*A study on mathematical activity with a focus on linking the theoretical and experimental approaches to probability
16:00-17:30Closing Ceremony