10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

Topic 9

Technology and multimedia in statistics education



Technology plays a central role in the statistical education of students at all levels. New visualization technologies can provide distinctive insights into the nature of data and data patterns which assist comprehension of information and inform judgement. Virtual environments and the internet offer access to data and to authentic scientific inquiry through simulation, interactive modes of data manipulation and use of multimedia for illustrating ideas. Online and eLearning models have drastically increased over the past decade, providing access to statistics education to many more students and teachers in secondary and post-secondary settings. Progress in the use of technology to advance statistics education is faced with the contrasting realities in which young populations in developed countries have almost ubiquitous access to technologies, while those in developing countries have limited access to the Internet and low education levels. Thus, technology and multimedia learning in statistics must respond to today’s pedagogical challenges.

Sessions in Topic 9 will explore how technology can radically impact what students can learn and how our teaching can be substantially enhanced by technology and multimedia in statistics education. What type of digital approaches have been used in education for gathering and modeling data, or dealing with large data sets (e.g. big data), or creating multimedia for online learning, or assessing students’ skills? What theoretical frameworks undergird this work and what do evaluation efforts tell us about the success of technological interventions? What is the role of eLearning, from small group experiences to MOOCs, in developing skills for both teachers and students in these new ways of learning statistics? What issues and progress has been made in developing countries, and how can scholars from around the globe come together to help create solutions for all students and teachers of statistics?


9ASupporting students doing data analysis by using digital tools designed for use by studentsDaniel Frischemeier (Germany)
9BData science in secondary educationRolf Biehler (Germany)
9CUsing R for effective teaching of StatisticsJung Jin Lee (Korea)
9DEngaging students in learning statisticsEfi Paparistodemou (Cyprus)
9ESoftware and smartphone technology developmentsAna Meireles (Portugal)
9FUsing data visualization to build statistical thinkingVictoria Woodard (United States)
9GDesign matters: How resources and experiences impact learning in online coursesHollylynne Lee (United States)
9HTeaching Statistics OnlineMichael Bulmer (Australia)
9IGathering and modeling dataSantiago Inzunza (Mexico)
9JUse of new technology for promoting classroom engagementSeiji Takata (Japan)
9KAlternative and creative ways to teach statisticsBruno de Sousa (Portugal)
9LTrends in statistical education via internet in JapanAkinobu Takeuchi (Japan)
9MStatistics Education with MOOCNaoko Sakurai (Japan)