10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

Administrative Meetings

Organisation meetings will be arranged as needed. At present the following are planned:


1: IASE Executive Committee Meeting 1

Monday 9th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 3W-Conf3



(Only for the members of the IASE Executive Committee)


2: Advisory Board of the Statistical Literacy Project

Monday 9th, 18:30-19:30
Location: 3W-Conf3



This is a closed meeting for invited participants including members of the Advisory Board of the Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) to discuss matters related to:

  • the ISLP poster competition
  • the ISLP best cooperative project
  • country coordinators
  • the newsletter
  • updating of resources on website
  • action plan for future efforts and initiatives
  • AOB (please notify James Nicholson)


3: The International Collaboration for Research in Statistical Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy

Tuesday 10th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 2-Sem3



The International Collaboration for Research in Statistical Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy offers scientific gatherings for statistics education researchers every two years. The SRTL research forums, foster collaborative and innovative research studies that examine the nature and development of statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking, and to explore how educators can develop these desired learning goals for students.

This meeting will focus on the organizational aspects of the Forum. Participation by invitation.


4: ISLP Open Meeting

Tuesday 10th, 12:45-13:45
Location: Terrsa Hall



Open meeting of the Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP)

This is an open meeting for anyone attending ICOTS which will provide updates on:

  • ISLP competitions: poster competition and best cooperative project award
  • Situation of country coordinators
  • ISLP newsletter
  • Plans for the resources website
  • Action plan 2018-2019
  • AOB (please notify Reija Helenius in advance)


5: International Association for Statistical Education General Assembly

Tuesday 10th, 18:30-19:30
Location: Terrsa Hall



The statutes of the International Association for Statistical Education require a meeting of its membership at least once every two years. ICOTS10 shall be that meeting for 2017/2018, where members can voice their opinions and be updated about IASE matters.

All IASE members invited!


  • Update on activities
  • Executive report
  • Open discussion on current and future issues


6: Advisory Board for SERJ

Thursday 12th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 3W-Conf3



This will be a meeting for invited attendees only to develop the framework, goals, and operating procedures for the Advisory Board for the Statistics Education Research Journal. The Journal is looking for an alternative process for publishing the two issues plus the special issue each year and the new process will benefit from having input and a forum for discussion about how the process is working as well as directions for the Journal.


7: ISI General Assembly

Thursday 12th, 12:45-13:45
Location: Terrsa Hall



8: IASE Executive Committee Meeting 2

Friday 13th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 3W-Conf3



(Only for the members of the IASE Executive Committee)