Focus on Posters
P1: Tuesday 15th, 08:30-09:10P2: Wednesday 16th, 08:30-09:10
P3: Thursday 17th, 08:30-09:10

- Anna Bargagliotti (United States)
- Tim Jacobbe (United States)
- Enriqueta Reston (Philippines)
Poster session P1 (Tuesday 15th, 08:30-09:10)
1 | Probability heuristics in year 10 students — a New Zealand study | Howard Edwards |
2 | A first course in data mining: sustaining statistical education in the modern business curriculum | Deborah Gougeon |
3 | Changing how we use statistical lexicon: To the hilt | Diane Fisher Jennifer Kaplan Neal Rogness |
4 | Predictors of postgraduate asmission and students’ learning experiences in the school of statistics | Josefina Almeda |
5 | The impact of clicker technology in a large introductory statistics class environment | Zeny F. Mateo Wan-Chen Lee |
6 | Learning statistics in an undergraduate interdisciplinary research setting — the CRAWL experience | Edith Seier Joyner Moore Jones Joplin |
7 | Teaching the exact test for proportions | Edith Seier |
8 | Comics and cartoons: sustainability in statistics education | Liza Lorena Jala |
9 | Assessment of different methods of teaching school children mathematical operations of two four-digit numbers using one way multivariate analysis of variance | Umeh Edith Uzoma |
10 | The “lady” has a name: teaching history of statistics using Salsburg with corrections | Kirk Anderson Phyllis Curtiss |
11 | Comparison of student flow in different colleges of Kuwait University using absorbing markov analysis | Shafiqah A. Al-Awadhi |
12 | The power and ease of examples and exercises using a multivariate least squares computer program | Richard Gorsuch |
13 | Investigation of AP statistics students’ understanding of technical terminology with possible lexical ambiguities | Douglas Whitaker Tim Jacobbe Steve Foti |
14 | Students’ understanding of randomization-based inference | Catherine Case Melanie Battle Tim Jacobbe |
15 | The interaction between government agencies and the university in statistics education | Adriana D’Amelio Silvana Dea Labat |
16 | Quality engineering: an experience in teaching statistics for engineers | Elisa Henning Adelmo Anselmo Martins Marcelo Savio Ramos |
17 | Using hierarchical models in assessment of teaching methods: an initial illustration | Jillian Lyon Ulrike Genschel Mark Kaiser |
18 | Teaching future high school teachers to teach statistics | Nancy Boynton |
41 | Two course-wide assessment tools for introductory statistics | Christopher E. Barat |
Poster session P2 (Wednesday 16th, 08:30-09:10)
19 | A proposal by ISTAT to support the teaching of statistics in primary school | Nadia Caporrella Silvia Da Valle Luciana Micucci Susi Osti |
20 | Redesigning an undergraduate statistics course using a flipped classroom model | Kristin Harvey |
22 | A review of statistics education in KENYA | Beatrice Wanjiku Gichohi |
23 | Development of statistical literacy in undergraduate students | Diana Keosayian Elizabeth Johnson |
24 | Teaching statistics - teaching maths An experimentation route | Gaetana Bartolomei Ornella Giambalvo |
25 | Professional develpoment courses in statistical training institute | HyunSik Hwang Kyung Ae Park |
26 | Evidence-based policy making and statistical education | Kyung Ae Park |
27 | A psychometric analysis of the goals and outcomes associated with learning statistics (GOALS) instrument | Anelise Sabbag Andrew Zieffler |
28 | Students in need of an attitude adjustment? | April Kerby Jacqueline Wroughton |
29 | Illustrating inference in an introductory statistics course using simulation | Jeff Kollath |
30 | Applying teaching for understanding in statistics | Teresita Evelina Terán Diana Kohan |
31 | Epidemic: a computer based training environment for informal inferential reasoning | Joachim Engel Tim Erickson |
32 | A case study of an elementary school student’s informal inferential reasoning in the paper helicopter experiment | Takashi Kawakami |
33 | Design of anticipatory tasks along a hypothetical learning trajectory for understanding probability distribution | Darcy Conant |
34 | Using actionable intelligence to enhance student success in introductory statistics courses | Brenda Gunderson Karen Nielsen |
35 | On confidence intervals from permutation tests | Mara Tableman Minh Nguyen Michael Ernst |
36 | High school teachers’ conditional probability content knowledge | Adam Molnar |
Poster session P3 (Thursday 17th, 08:30-09:10)
37 | Attention to details: does it facilitate or impede learning | William Rybolt |
38 | Probability and statistics knowledge for teaching, in school teachers preparation in chilean universities | Eugenio Chandía Anita Araneda |
39 | Assessment on the confidence levels of educators teaching statistics in South Africa | Desiree Timmet |
40 | Preliminary results of the effects and roles of fun in introductory statistics classes | Lawrence Lesser Dennis Pearl Reynaldo Reyes John Weber |
42 | Using R to create assessments for course management systems | Nichole Andrews Bradford Dykes |
43 | Keeping the momentum: sustaining interest in statistics lectures for non-statisticians | Angela Wade Eirini Koutoumanou Vicki Aldridge |
44 | Advice for using faculty connections to create research opportunities for undergraduates | Ivan Ramler Jessica Chapman |
45 | Towards a more conceptual way of understanding and implementing inferential rules | Johanna Hardin Thalia Rodriguez |
47 | The challenges of implementing a randomization approach to introductory statistics in the high school setting | Brandon Hanson Natasha Gerstenschlager |
48 | Exploring statistical literacy in Northeast China: finding a path from the classroom to the workplace | Robert Giebitz |
49 | Factors of sustainability in statistics education in Ukraine | Ruslan Motoryn Motoryna Tetiana |
50 | On statistics education innovation from statistics development perpectives | Yu Zhu Meng Wang |
51 | Education and training statistics in Russia | Olga Bashina Pavel Smelov |
52 | Experience of carrying the National Statistical Olympiad in Russia | Pavel Smelov Elena Egorova |
53 | Discovery projects in elementary statistics: curriculum materials and measurement of student outcomes | Dianna J. Spence Gregg Velatini |
54 | Learning statistics based upon multiple theories of probability | Chong Ho Yu Anna Yu |