Programme details
Rooms: | A = Agassiz; BA = Bright Angel; CC = Clear Creek; D = Doyle; F = Fremont; K = Drury Kendrick M = Drury McMillan; O’L = Drury O’Leary; PB = Ponderosa Boardroom; R = Rees; S = Drury Sycamore HLC = rooms in Health and Learning Center |
Saturday 12th July (Click on a cell to see more details) |
Workshop | 08:00-12:00 | Health and Learning Center 3101 IPUMS and IDHS Part 1: Teaching statistics with free online data from international censuses and health surveys(Workshop A1) |
Workshop | 13:00-17:00 | Health and Learning Center 3101 IPUMS and IDHS Part 2: Teaching statistics with free online data from international censuses and health surveys(Workshop A2) |
Workshop | 13:00-17:00 | Health and Learning Center 3108 Teaching statistics with R and RStudio Part 1(Workshop B1) |
Sunday 13th July (Click on a cell to see more details) |
Workshop | 08:00-12:00 | Health and Learning Center 3108 Teaching statistics with R and RStudio Part 2(Workshop B2) | ||||||||
Workshop | 08:00-17:00 | Health and Learning Center 2403 Statistics and Probability in the Common Core State Standards(Workshop C) | ||||||||
Workshop | 08:00-12:00 | Health and Learning Center 3101 ¿De dónde sale esa fórmula?: Explorando y deduciendo la cuantificación de la evidencia en el ciclo de investigación(Workshop D) | ||||||||
Workshop | 13:00-17:00 | Health and Learning Center 3101 Synthesising Sources: Opening Open Data for Decision Making(Workshop F) | ||||||||
18:00-19:00 Assembly | Opening Ceremony Prochnow
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19:00-21:00 Assembly | Opening Reception 1899-Patio
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20:00-20:45 Assembly | Prochnow Welcome to Flagstaff, a presentation
Monday 14th July (Click on a cell to see more details) | Monday’s Programme in Full |
08:45-9:15 Assembly | Prochnow Welcome
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09:15-10:15 Section 1 | Prochnow Plenary: Pedro do Nascimento Silva
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10:20-10:50 Refreshments | ||||||||||
10:55-12:25 Section 2 | BA Invitedsession 4E | R Invitedsession 5D | D Invitedsession 6D | F Invitedsession 7B | A Invitedsession 8A | CC Invitedsession 10C | O'L Contributedpapers C2A | K Contributedpapers C2B | M Contributedpapers C2D | |
12:30-13:40 Lunch | ||||||||||
12:30-13:40 Meetings | A SIG 1: Official statistics resources
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13:45-15:45 Section 3 | CC Invitedsession 1F | D Invitedsession 2G | A Invitedsession 3D | F Invitedsession 4B | BA Invitedsession 4D | O'L Invitedsession 5A | R Invitedsession 7D | M Contributedpapers C3B | K Contributedpapers C3C | |
15:45-16:15 Refreshments | ||||||||||
16:15-17:45 Section 4 | D Invitedsession 1C | A Invitedsession 5F | F Invitedsession 6A | BA Invitedsession 7F | CC Invitedsession 8B | R Invitedsession 10A | O'L Contributedpapers C4A | K Contributedpapers C4B | M Contributedpapers C4C | |
17:50-19:00 Meetings | PB IASE Exec Meeting 1(Admin Meeting 1) |
Tuesday 15th July (Click on a cell to see more details) | Tuesday’s Programme in Full |
08:30-09:10 Posters | Humphreys Focus on posters
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09:15-10:15 Section 5 | Prochnow Plenary: David Spiegelhalter
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10:20-10:50 Refreshments | ||||||||||
10:55-12:25 Section 6 | R Invitedsession 1E | BA Invitedsession 3B | D Invitedsession 2A | A Invitedsession 7C | F Invitedsession 8J | CC Invitedsession 10E | O'L Contributedpapers C6A | K Contributedpapers C6B | M Contributedpapers C6D | |
12:30-13:40 Lunch | ||||||||||
12:30-13:40 Meetings | PB ISLP Advisory Board meeting(Admin Meeting 2) | |||||||||
13:45-15:15 Commercial | S Hawkes Learning Systems
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13:45-15:15 Section 7 | D Invitedsession 2D | R Invitedsession 3F | A Invitedsession 4A | CC Invitedsession 6C | BA Invitedsession 8G | F Invitedsession 9G | K Contributedpapers C7A | M Contributedpapers C7B | O'L Contributedpapers C7C | |
15:15-15:45 Refreshments | ||||||||||
15:45-17:15 Section 8 | CC Invitedsession 2F | D Invitedsession 5E | BA Invitedsession 6F | R Invitedsession 7E | A Invitedsession 8C | F Invitedsession 9F | K Contributedpapers C8A | M Contributedpapers C8B | O'L Contributedpapers C8C | |
17.30-18.30 Commercial | O'L SAS Institute and JMP
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17:30-18:30 Meetings | A IASE General Assembly(Admin Meeting 3) |
Wednesday 16th July (Click on a cell to see more details) | Wednesday’s Programme in Full |
08:30-09:10 Posters | Humphreys Focus on posters
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09:15-10:15 Section 9 | Prochnow Plenary: Rachel Fewster
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10:20-10:50 Refreshments | ||||||||||
10:55-12:25 Section 10 | D Invitedsession 1A | BA Invitedsession 3A | R Invitedsession 5B | CC Invitedsession 6E | A Invitedsession 8I | F Invitedsession 9C | K Contributedpapers C10A | O'L Contributedpapers C10B | M Contributedpapers C10C | |
12:30 Lunch boxes | ||||||||||
Afternoon Free | Excursions |
Thursday 17th July (Click on a cell to see more details) | Thursday’s Programme in Full |
08:30-09:10 Posters | Humphreys Focus on posters
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09:15-10:15 Section 11 | Prochnow Plenary: Zalman Usiskin
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10:20-10:50 Refreshments | ||||||||||
10:55-12:25 Section 12 | A Invitedsession 2B | D Invitedsession 3C | BA Invitedsession 3E | CC Invitedsession 6B | F Invitedsession 8D | R Invitedsession 9B | K Contributedpapers C12A | O'L Contributedpapers C12C | ||
12:30-13:40 Lunch | ||||||||||
12:30-13:40 Meetings | O'L ISLP Open Meeting(Admin Meeting 4) | |||||||||
13:45-15:15 Section 13 | CC Invitedsession 7A | O'L Invitedsession 8H | BA Invitedsession 9E | M Contributedpapers C13A | K Contributedpapers C13B | S Contributedpapers C13C | ||||
15:15-15:45 Refreshments | ||||||||||
15:45-17:15 Section 14 | BA Invitedsession 1B | CC Invitedsession 5C | O'L Invitedsession 9H | K Contributedpapers C14A | S Contributedpapers C14B | M Contributedpapers C14C | ||||
Evening From 18:30 | Reception and Banquet |
Friday 18th July (Click on a cell to see more details) | Friday’s Programme in Full |
09:15-10:15 Section 15 | Prochnow Plenary: Ron Wasserstein
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10:20-10:50 Refreshments | ||||||||||
10:55-12:25 Section 16 | A Invitedsession 2E | BA Invitedsession 4C | F Invitedsession 5H | D Invitedsession 8E | R Invitedsession 9A | O'L Contributedpapers C16A | K Contributedpapers C16B | |||
12:30-13:40 Lunch | ||||||||||
12:30-13:40 Meetings | PB IASE Exec Meeting 2(Admin Meeting 5) | |||||||||
13:45-15:45 Section 17 | D Invitedsession 1D | R Invitedsession 2C | A Invitedsession 4F | BA Invitedsession 8F | F Invitedsession 9D | |||||
15:45-16:15 Refreshments | ||||||||||
16:15-17:15 Assembly | Prochnow Presentations, acknowledgements and closing
Saturday 19th July (Click on a cell to see more details) |
Workshop | 08:00-17:00 | Health and Learning Center 3101 Modifying introductory courses to use simulation methods as the primary introduction to statistical inference(Workshop G) |