- Announcement (PDF) download
- Call for papers (PDF) download
- First notice (A3) (PDF) download
(suitable for a poster)

- Guidelines for Organisers of Invited Paper Sessions (PDF) download
- Guidelines for Session Chairs (PDF) download

- Notice: extension of deadlines for contributed papers (PDF) download
- Sample abstract (DOC) download
- Guidelines for Preparation of Manuscripts (PDF) download
Word template for manuscript (DOC) download
Sample paper 1 (DOC) download
Sample paper 2 (DOC) download
Author’s Submission Form (DOC) download (duplicate of the form in the Guidelines for Preparation of Manuscripts)

- Notice: extension of deadlines for posters (PDF) download
- Guidelines for Preparation of Posters (PDF) download
Word template for poster abstract (DOC) download
Sample poster abstract 1 (DOC) download
Sample poster abstract 2 (DOC) download

Support for ICOTS9 presenters from developing countries
IASE and ISI are providing some funds to support people from developing countries who are presenting a paper or a poster at ICOTS9. Requests for such funding must be received by 28 February 2014 at the latest.- Download full details (PDF) download
Deadlines for Invited Papers
Invited refereed papers | |
Submit abstract and title | 30 September 2013 |
Submit paper | 31 October 2013 |
Hear back from referees | 15 January 2014 |
Submit final version of paper | 15 February 2014 |
Invited non-refereed papers | |
Submit abstract and title | 30 September 2013 |
Submit final version of paper | 31 January 2014 |
Deadlines for Contributed Papers
Contributed refereed papers | |
Submit abstract and title | 30 September 2013 |
Submit paper | 31 October 2013 |
Hear back from referees | 15 January 2014 |
Submit final version of paper | 15 February 2014 |
Contributed non-refereed papers | |
Submit abstract and title | 30 September 2013 |
Submit final version of paper | 15 January 2014 |
Deadline for Posters
Submit abstract and title | 31 January 2014 |